The holidays are always such a busy time of year and between running around getting last minute gifts, organising and attending festive parties and keeping up with family commitments, often it doesn’t seem like much of a ‘holiday’! This post gives you 12 ideas for easy but rewarding self-care ideas that you can do over the winter period to make sure you’re looking after yourself and having a good time, even with all the craziness going on around you! Even if you just pick one activity, your body and mind will thank you for it

Hot Choco in Black Mug Beside White Bowl

1.   Make a hot chocolate (with ALL the trimmings!)  Add whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate chips, marshmallows, chocolate flakes…the making process will be as much fun as the drinking!

2.   Bake a festive treat – Now you may feel as though all you do over the holidays is cook – but for once, bake something fun and festive that will get you truly into the festive mood.  Pick a simple yet yummy recipe that you will enjoy making…and of course, eating!

3.  Have a movie marathon – cancel all your commitments for just one day curled up under your favourite blanket, with hot chocolate and festive treat in hand, binging all of your favourite festive classics.

Brown Pinecone Beside Candle Lantern

4.  Make your home smell festive – make your home smell like the winter wonderland of your dreams by picking up some new candles, reed diffusers or pot pourri.  Think cinnamon, clementine, mulled fruit, pine and ginger.

5.  Practise Hygge – Hygge is the Danish concept of getting cosy and warm – imagine being curled up in front of the fire, surrounded by festive smelling candles, drinking a deluxe hot chocolate, with your fave people.  Issa vibe.

6.  Go for a winter walk – wrap up in your favourite winter coat, wrap a chunky scarf around your neck and go for a nice, leisurely stroll.  You can visit a park, even a Christmas tree farm to get in the holiday spirit, or just around your neighbourhood.

Man Walking Beyond Bridge

7.  Moisturise – everyone knows that with winter comes dry skin.  Combat this by applying thick moisturiser over your face and body – you can also incorporate a moisturising face mask into a pamper evening to chill out and take care of your skin at the same time.

8.  Take a bubble bath –  this is the perfect way to take some me-time, relax as well as get all warm and cosy on a cold winter’s night.

9.  Read a festive book – one of the best ways to practise Hygge and get cosy is to curl up with a heartwarming read.  Pick something fun, festive and lighthearted to transport yourself into a holiday paradise!

Person Holding Book

10.  Make a festive playlist – when your busy wrapping presents or opening them on Christmas day, a playlist full of holiday bangers is essential to get you in the festive mood!

11.  Make winter tea – drinking tea is a great way to relax and unwind, and making a winter themed tea is super easy – just add cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and vanilla into darjeeling tea and boil…voila!

12.  Treat yoself – Christmas is a time of giving to others, although that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself too!  Buy yourself a new cute sweater or bobble hat that you can’t wait to wear on a festive walk.

I hope you found this list helpful! Don’t forget to comment down below your favourite self care activity for over the festive period and Happy December 1st!