This year I’ve loved reading self help,personal development and self care books, and I’ve found so many amazing reads!  In this post, I’m going to be sharing my favourite books I’ve read this year to inspire your next read and to give you some holiday gift ideas!

 1.  The Secret Series by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret books are a firm favourite of those into personal development and spirituality.  Whenever someone asks me about the Law of Attraction, I always recommend reading The Secret, as it outlines the main principles of LOA and how you can implement it into your life.  The Magic provides a great wake up call to those feeling stuck or uninspired, and The Power is on my 2019 reading list.

2.  You Are A Badass Series by Jen Sincero

You Are A Badass is possibly my favourite book of 2018.  Jen Sincere writes in a funny, sarcastic style which makes the book seem more like a pep talk with a friend.  The anecdotes are funny and relatable, and the advice that Sincere gives can really make you look at things in a better way.  You Are A Badass at Making Money, the follow up, is great for people who want to change their relationship with money and achieve their business goals.

3.  The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

The Universe Has Your Back is an amazing read for anyone feeling lost or as if the world is against them.  It helps you surrender to the universe and trust that what you want will eventually be yours and know that everything will be okay.  I loved this book so much that after I finished it, I bought the affirmation cards that to go with the book that I talked about in my Self Care Holiday Gift Guide post last week!

4.  first, we make the beast beautiful by Sarah Wilson

This is one of the best books I’ve read for anyone who has anxiety.  Sarah’s conversational style of writing actually seems more like a stream of consciousness than just another self help book.  Her advice comes from her own personal experience and hearing about the things she has gone through on her journey are things that many people can relate to and learn from as she has done.

5.  DARE by Barry McDonagh

If I was asked the one thing in particular that helped the most in ending my anxiety, it would hands down be this book.  It offers tips and advice that I hadn’t read in any other book, and rewires your brain by encouraging you to see things in a completely different way than you normally do.  The advice in this book is essential for anyone with anxiety or panic attacks, and I promise it will help you!

So there’s my favourite self help books of 2018!  Let me know whether you’ve read any of these books and what your favourite book of the year is for 2018!