The last few weeks of the year is a great time to reflect on the past year – the highs, the lows, where you were successful, where you need to develop. Reflection is one of the most important parts of self development, as without it, you won’t be able to learn from your successes and mistakes and grow! In this post, I’ll be sharing the 18 biggest lessons I’ve learned in 2018, which I’ll use to grow and improve my life in 2019.

1.Obstacles are detours in the RIGHT direction.

Everything happens for a reason, even the bad things, and they are all necessary in guiding you to where you’re supposed to be.

2. Life is too short to do anything that doesn’t fulfil you.

There is nothing more important than doing what you truly love in life. If you dream big and work hard, you can live the life that you’ve always wanted.

3. If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

When you realise your self worth and how amazing you are, you can do the most incredible things.

4. Don’t compare your journey to other people’s.

You are on your journey and they are on theirs. Just because they don’t look the same, it doesn’t mean you are not as successful or fulfilled.

5. It’s okay to take time figuring out what you want to do.

There is no rush – it’s better to take time to reflect and explore yourself than rush into a life you don’t really want.

6. It’s okay to change your mind.

There’s nothing wrong with pursuing something different to what you originally planned if you feel it no longer aligns with your future.

7. Be money savvy.

Being financially secure is one of the best feelings, and knowing the value of money is an essential for this security.

8. Don’t take everything personally.

If someone has an issue with you, it’s almost always never you that’s the problem, but an issue they have with themselves.

9. You don’t need tonnes of friends.

Having a couple of really great, supportive friends is better than having a big group of acquaintances.

10. There is nothing wrong with letting go of toxic people.

You are not obligated to talk to or coexist with anyone who makes you feel angry, depressed or anything less than good.

11. Your dreams exist outside of your comfort zone.

The very best things and experiences are reserved for people who willingly and boldly step outside of their safe space.

12. First comes the pain, then the rising.

Almost every person who is successful or enlightened had to go through struggle to finally achieve their dreams.

13. The Universe works fast when you’re aligned.

You can tell you’re aligned with your higher purpose when everything begins running smoothly and opportunities come to you almost immediately.

14. Accept how you’re feeling.

It’s always better to accept your feelings than brush them under the carpet – you are able to explore it and overcome it.

15. Tidy space, tidy mind.

Having tidy surroundings is the conduit for having a clean and clear mind. Clutter = stress and anxiety.

16. Make friends with yourself.

Being your own best friend will mean that you will never feel lonely again, and you don’t have to depend on other people to bring you joy.

17. This too shall pass.

Nothing is forever and everything is temporary – whatever feeling you feel at this current time won’t be the same as the feeling you’re feeling in 5 years time.

18. Trust that everything will be okay.

Because it will.

Let me know what you’ve learned in 2018 and how you’re going to be using that lesson to develop yourself in 2019!