The holiday season should be a time of fun and festivities but for many students the time before Christmas is filled with exams, deadlines and a lot of stress.  In this post, I’ll be sharing my tips for how to keep calm during exam season, look after yourself, and set yourself up for success.

1. Wake Up Earlier

When you’re going through a particularly busy time, you can often feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the day to get done everything you need to.  If this sounds familiar, try getting up a little earlier than you normally would, whether it’s half an hour or two hours – it can all make a difference.  Most people tend to be most productive in the morning, so giving yourself some extra time will help you finish tasks earlier in the day meaning you get more time to yourself later on.

2.  Get a Good Amount of Sleep

All night revision sessions are NEVER a good idea, especially if you have an exam the next day.  Also, if you plan to wake up earlier, it means you have to go to sleep a little earlier the night before.  Make sure to finish your work early in the evening so that you can have a few hours to wind down before bed, otherwise your mind will still be focused on work and not sleep.  Getting at least eight hours of sleep is vital for memory and concentration, so essential for revision and exam success.

3.  Hydrate (The Right Way)

Students are known for relying on caffeine to boost their energy during exam and deadline time, whether it be coffee or energy drinks.  However, caffeine isn’t the healthiest or most efficient way to hydrate during these times.  Instead, aim to drink at least two litres of water everyday – it’ll ward off any revision headaches, help you concentrate and focus, and relieve tiredness.  For motivation, buy a pretty water bottle that you can fill up throughout the day, or add fruit such as lemon and orange.

4.  Eat Brain Food

When you’re busy studying, it can be far easier to grab a quick snack of biscuits or crisps than to make something more nutritious.  But actually, sugary snacks are far more likely to make you feel sluggish and sleepy, especially during the mid afternoon slump.  Instead, eat foods such as blueberries, oranges and nuts to boost your brain power, and if you want to treat yourself after a study session, snack on some dark chocolate which is full of antioxidants.

5.  Make a To Do List

Before you begin your day, it’s essential to make a to do list of all the tasks you have on that day.  Many people don’t like doing to do lists because they list so many tasks that it becomes impossible to complete!  Instead, write down your three ‘MITs’ – your Most Important tasks – these are the things that are the most important or urgent for that day, that you simply have to get done.  Once you get your MITs done, it doesn’t matter what else you do in a day as you know that you’ve done those at least.

6.  Meditate

It’s essential to keep stress and anxiety at a minimum during exam time, even though it’s definitely far easier said than done!  One of the best ways to relax in busy times is to meditate – not only does it have a calming effect, but it’s also been proved to improve concentration and focus, as well as being able to think more clearly.  Sit down for at least five minutes a day, focusing on your breath and noticing whatever thoughts come to mind.  There are also many good meditations on YouTube you can follow along to.

I hope you’ve found this blog post useful!  Let me know what you’re currently studying for and you’re favourite way to unwind at the end of a study session.  Good luck with your exams!